He's doing an event this Friday at my local B&M, The owner said they were getting the Norteno's among some other stuff for the event.Willy is actually doing an event five miles from my house next Thursday at the Smoke Inn in Margate. I am hoping they will have the Norteno for the event, but they don't know if they will.
You do? Thats awesome!I have a fiver coming to me on Saturday, can't wait
The bolded is my assessment of every single DE/LP product I have had except for UF-13 Dark (havent tried original) and the Dirty Rat. All the others have been incredibly one noted and boring.Had one at Island Girl in Jacksonville last week. Agree - spicy up front, then settled a bit. But, for me it was largely boring up front and continued boring throughout.
Caveat: most here can ignore my assessment because I simply don't like SA wrappers 90% of the time; and I'm clearly in a small minority there. I didn't know until today that it was SA, so that didn't affect my appreciation of the cigar while I was smoking it. I went in completely blind, never having heard of it and didn't look it up until after I was done.