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Oh boy... what a last couple of days!!!

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May 30, 2010
Topeka, KS
It all started Friday...

... with a shipment from the devil site. A box of RP Edge Maduro Missiles... love those things. And a 5er of La Riquezas...

Then I went to the Pete Johnson bash at Outlaw in KC and left with this stuff...

A bunch of different Tats, a Cabaiguan Guapo, and a few Ambos Mundos #2s (dig the new label). Also got a 10ct travel box and had Pete sign it.

And when I got home I had this shipment from The Burning Leaf waiting for me. Thanks to the guys at Burning Leaf for including us in their Drew Estate specials :thumbsup:

Box each of T52s and JdN Cabinetta plus all the freebies that they generously threw in (including a couple LP JD#4s).

I had a heck of a time fitting all this into my vino as there wasn't much room left to begin with :halfgrinw
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May 30, 2010
Topeka, KS
I'll grab ER Doc and some BBQ and when should we swing by. . .
mmmmmm.... bbq :drool:

You had a pretty nice haul from the event yourself :thumbsup:

WOW! That's a helluva haul! I would be in divorce court after a week like that (lol)! Enjoy them.
I wouldn't say that she's happy about it... but it's the last cigars I will be buying for quite some time (large purchases anyway) :grin: