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Onto Hockey- Caps or Rangers

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Jul 12, 2010
I'm one of those few guys who really doesn't care too much about the NFL. I really go from MLB onto NHL and thats my sports year. Even when I lived in Chitown, during the Bulls championship runs, wasn't really interested, though I did get to see Jordan, Pippen, Rodman live and play together.

My current "dilemma" is over the local team vs favorite. Living in DC for a little over 12 years now, I've began to root for the local team, the Caps. Have had a chance to meet a good majority of the team/coaches and their practice facility is very accessable. That being said, I'm getting a bunch of flak from my buddies in NY who are blueshirt fans as I always will be. My question, IYO, is it OK to root for 2 teams in the same division? I did last year and of course neither made it anyway lol. G1


BoM May 2012
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Jan 19, 2009
Clovis, CA
I say root for who you like. Now, at the same time, being a die hard Giants fan, I couldn't imagine someone that really knows baseball rooting for the Giants and Dodgers or the Yankees and red sox, but I'm sure there are people that do.
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Jul 12, 2010
Well, I was a Mets fan early as that was the team I grew up with but then while I was in College, it was either the Giants or A's and I just loved the fact that Candlestick was on the water lol. So since the early 80's have been following the Giants. When I moved to Chitown, I lived 1/2 block from Wrigley on Sheffield and just got to really Hate Cub fans who were just disrespectful to the neighborhood. Loved the park but hated the fans so never rooted for em.

With teams changing players so often these days, you never have the same team competing from year to year. I commend players like Modano who for the most part stay on the same team for their careers. G1


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
I know baseball well and I root for the Sox.. I dunno what knowing baseball has to do with rooting for one of those teams. Being from Boston it's pretty much expected.

It does suck that there are those out there who claim to be die hard fans, but couldn't tell you anything about their sports teams regardless of sport, team, or market.

Anyway.. I saw root for who you want to regardless of team. Even both if you see fit.
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Jul 12, 2010
Who do you cheer for when the play against each other? Very paradoxical...
Depends where I am and whom I"m with at the time lol. Its one of those games that I dont' mind whomever wins. Kinda when the Mets play the Giants. Probably one of the few teams where I don't mind too much if the Gmen lose-but again there are 162 games as opposed to 82. G1