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Jan 23, 2010
Salerno, Afghanistan
What about these Jobs?

In a recent article published by to DangerZoneJobs.com, the foremost authority on overseas contract employment, it was reported there were over 179,000 civilian DoD contractor personnel deployed in Iraq (Operation New Dawn (OND), Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR).

It would seem to me that: Since the conflict in Afghanistan, and consequently the conflict in Iraq have been almost entirely an American effort financed by the American Tax payer, at the immeasurable cost of (mostly) American lives, that some sort of measures would have been put in place to ensure that such an enormous investment of American lives and treasure would return to the American citizenry.

With the American economy in such dire straights, even the most lamest politician should have noticed by now, that so many jobs have been created in support of the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet so much money has been spent and wasted over so many years in both Iraq and Afghanistan by hiring the cheap labor of foreign nationals.

That politicians have not seen the wisdom of setting these jobs aside for Americans willing to go in support our troops in their efforts while also earning a decent living is mind boggling as Americans working abroad would send the money home instead of having all these taxpayer dollars (for over so long a period of time) just carted away by the fist full’s by thousands of foreign nationals seeking their fortune at the expense of the American tax payer and the lives and moral of our troops.

American labor, while more expensive, would have be the wiser investment as tax payer dollars earned by Americans would return home to American soil to be spent on the American economy. How about this for stimulus?
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Aug 7, 2010
Sure, come one over.

Local Nationals are paid around $5 a day, which is 2 1/2 times what they would be paid by their local economy.

When can we expect you to arrive?

Oh, by the way, you'll have to live with them in their village and ride in the back of their trucks to the base entrance every morning for routine searches and patdowns before entering the base. Expect 1 - 2 hours before and after your workday for these searches to be conducted.

Also, because of the 24 hour mission of the US Military, your duty day will not be 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week - it will be commensurate with your skill and aptitude for certain jobs. You can expect to work 80 - 100 hours a week, all outdoors, of course, as you don't have the required security clearances necessary to enter the buildings where operations and classified briefings occur on a daily basis.

When would you like to start?


Great idea, unfortunately, 90% of Americans would FAIL the Background Security investigations, Lebo.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
The Government cares more about the control in the East (Oil) than the tax payers back home...plain and simple!
I keep telling everyone to vote Libertarian or atleast study what they represent and stand for. This party could/would revolutionize a new standard in government given the chance.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
This probably belongs in the debate room.

That being said, you make an interesting argument, but your aims conflict with each other, IMHO. If we are going to spend tax dollars somewhere, I want to make sure we get the best bang for our buck, so hiring Americans and paying high prices doesn't really sit well with me. Because you can pretty much guarantee that the wages would be sky high to entice American workers to such places.

I might also be a bit more worried about the ridiculous amounts of tax dollars that have pretty much just disappeared through mismanagement.

I'm sure I could go into this a bit more, but to do so I'd like some more information. What kind of jobs are you talking about? What article are you referencing (link it?)? What tax dollars are being spent on foreign contractors and what jobs are they doing?