USCG Cigar Newb
USCG Cigar Newb
Hey guys. So I grew up in the Northwest always camping, hiking, fishing etc... But with the Coast Guard Academy and my duties since I have obviously been in and around the water with not much chance for camping (not many forests in the Bahamas haha). I head back to the states for my next billet (no clue where Ill be though) and I am wanting to start collecting camping/survival/outdoor gear so that I am all set for weekends in the woods when I get back. I was wondering if any of you guys are into the outdoors and if you have any recommendations for me on what gear to get. I am talking sleeping bags, packs, tents (both a large one and a smaller one) boots and anything else you can think of. I dont know the climate of where Ill be, but since Ill be moving every two years anyways with the coast guard, I need gear that is good both in cold and warmer climates. Thanks for any inputs you have.
EDIT: I looked around for a camping/survival forum, but it didnt look like any had the chemistry that this place had, so I figured I would see if anyone here could help.
EDIT: I looked around for a camping/survival forum, but it didnt look like any had the chemistry that this place had, so I figured I would see if anyone here could help.