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Padilla 1932 burn problems


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Oct 10, 2011
Portland, OR
Hi all,
Today I had a Padilla 1932 robusto that i had been sitting on for about six months. It was number two out of the five pack I initially bought. The first one I smoked right away and I remember having the exact same problem. The first inch smoked fine but after that it became impossible to keep lit and the draw tightened up dramatically. The ash was the darkest I've ever seen on any cigar, almost like it was scorched. After the first one six months ago, I chalked it up to being to wet but after this much time it seems like that should have been fixed. For what it's worth, my humi's been kept at 68% for the whole time. I also bought these from a vendor that has LE's made specifically for them.
I had a torpedo last year and it was amazing so I'm surprised these robustos are smoking so poorly. Anyone have any ideas on this?
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Oct 3, 2010
Shame, the 1932's I've had were great. What vendor did you use and are these "limited edition"? I know some vendors sell "limited edition" cigars which are just seconds with a special band added to them, some times even a completely different blend.

You may want to try dry boxing them before you smoke.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Padillas are one of those smokes that has to be 65%. I keep my humi at 68 and every padlla i have to dry box to get the most enjoyment out of. only ones that smoke well at higher rh are the lanceros


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Oct 10, 2011
Portland, OR
Shame, the 1932's I've had were great. What vendor did you use and are these "limited edition"? I know some vendors sell "limited edition" cigars which are just seconds with a special band added to them, some times even a completely different blend.

You may want to try dry boxing them before you smoke.
I ordered them from CI and they weren't labeled LE's but my suspicion is that they aren't the normal blend. They only have the one band which made my think they were the real thing. I had the same thought about dry boxing and i may may try that for a couple of days as an experiment. Thanks!
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Feb 2, 2011
I have often wondered if the ones CI offers on cbid and joecigar are a different blend. They always seem to be offered for like $3-$4.

I have had the same problem but I didn't let them rest. I kept them in the humi a short while before smoking 1 or 2. I traded the rest to a guy who has liked the 1932 in the past but he said that they first one he had from the ones I traded did not taste as good as he remembered them...hmmm...