I agree the 1926 regular production line is more bold than the any of the regular 64 line. But when it comes to 1926 Anniversary (40yr/80yr) or Family Reserve line, the 40yr imo was the smoothest of them all. The Family Reserve line of the 64s imo have the same classic flavors of 1926 Padrons, but are a little more complex within the flavors than the regular production 1926 line. The 26s have strong flavor, but I find them to be one dimensional throughout. When it comes to Family Reserve, I favor the 64s over the 26s (45,50,85,etc). When it comes to the regular production Anniversary series 1964s, I favor the regular production 1926 line a bit more because of the bold strong smoke. Has more stronger flavors than the regular non family reserve 1964 line imo. And of course, maduro all the way...