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Parking ticket with some irony


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
So I left the house this morning to get some work done at the office , and got about a mile away when I realized i had left my lunchtime smoke, a Padilla 1932 lancero, at the house. I pulled up in front of my house, I'm on the left hand side and just parked on the wrong side of the street, or facing the wrong way. It is a 1 street neighborhood with only about 20 houses and it's one big circle. It took me about 10 minutes to get out of the house, since the kids were on me. When I got to my car I noticed a parking ticket on my windshield..$25 for facing the wrong way. Good thing he didn't notice i don't have plates on my car, and I've owned it for over a year. Anyway to the irony..The ticket was signed by Officer Padilla. :hammersma ooooo that stings.


BoM Oct 08 / BoM Oct 09
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Jan 2, 2008

My short story.

I stopped to check out a new B&M in the area. I was in an area that I was not too familiar with. Especially when it comes to parking meters.

So I find the place, jump out of my car and run in. Not even seeing the meter. The humi they had was maybe 50 sticks in size, so it took me all of 3 minutes to pick a stick.

I walk back out to my car and behold, my first parking ticket. I was so beside myself, I started laughing. I them noticed the meter "person" on the car next to me. In my glee, I walked over, thanked him, and handed him the cigar I just purchased. Stating, you are the winner of my first "live" cigar give away. He looked at me puzzled, said thanks, and walked away.

You would have thought he had a little love in his heart. NOT.

So, if I had put the .10 in the meter, I would have saved the $10 for the ticket and the $12 for the stick.

My wife was not humored by my story.