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Pet Amber Alert Am I Being Punked


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
So, I am sitting here about to wrap up the day and our data center experiences a power outage so there goes my Friday... Well, after getting off a triage call with our entire team, I am sitting here updating some web pages and I get this call on our home number. Not recognizing the number, I let it go to voicemail. So, I retrieve the voicemail and there's this guy pouring out his heart for 51 seconds telling me about a lost cat in our area named "Muddy Feet".

After listening to the message again I think to myself, I must be getting punked here. But, since the caller left a website to visit and I visited it on a test device in the event it was some rogue site wanting me to log into it for some nefarious reason. Lo and behold, PetAmberAlert.com is real and so is Muddy Feet.

While I am not a pet hater I am like really people? I don't get calls like this when a child goes missing yet I get a call about a missing cat! A missing cat? Unbelievable.

Put a RFID chip in Muddy Feet's ear and lowjack him.

Thanks for letting me vent.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Hes lucky im not in the area ive been contemplating getting free pets, like bunnies, off craigslist just to butcher up and cook. Cats might be an option for free eats in the future.:D
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Ive been looking for horse meat every since funding was written into the USDA for horse slaughter inspection. I have a feeling and USDA inspected horse meat ends up in Canada though.