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Pillow Angel


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Feb 9, 2008
i have to disagree, i feel that Ashley's parents are doing what they think is best for there child. Who will always be a child, in fact she will always be like a 6 month old child.

I do not want to sound sarcastic or humorous when i say this but can you imagine taking care of a 100 pound, 5 foot, 6 month old child for the remainder of your life, I surely cannot. I personally am extremely happy to see that these parents are attempting to give Ashley the most fulfilling life possible, instead of turning them over to the state. And if controlling Ashley's size will assist them and in effect improve her quality of life then who are we to deny them or her of that.

We also have to remember that in earlier centuries people would not have given children like Ashley a chance to live. Even today people dont give children like Ashley a chance.

These are just my feelings, take them or leave them for what they are.......


BoM January 08
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Dec 5, 2006
Shrewsbury, Ma
I use to work in the hospital system, I tend to have way diffrent views on most things. There is a line sometimes crossed but I do not usu way in on them too much. At this point I have seen way too many bad things, and not bad decessions but bad life situations that familys have to deal with.
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May 10, 2007
The parents here obviously did what they felt was best for their daughter. Neither you, nor I, nor the moral crusaders of the world should be allowed any say in the matter.

The people railing against this are the same ones who felt that Terry Schiavo should've been kept alive indefinitely by machines.


3 Time BoM
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Dec 13, 2004
The Isle of Long
When I read stories like this, I look at my girls and thank God they are healthy. I can't imagine going through what those parents went through. The thing to remember is, whether you agree with them or not, they felt like they were trying to do what is best for their daughter. It seems like they are trying to care for her in the best way they know how.