i have to disagree, i feel that Ashley's parents are doing what they think is best for there child. Who will always be a child, in fact she will always be like a 6 month old child.
I do not want to sound sarcastic or humorous when i say this but can you imagine taking care of a 100 pound, 5 foot, 6 month old child for the remainder of your life, I surely cannot. I personally am extremely happy to see that these parents are attempting to give Ashley the most fulfilling life possible, instead of turning them over to the state. And if controlling Ashley's size will assist them and in effect improve her quality of life then who are we to deny them or her of that.
We also have to remember that in earlier centuries people would not have given children like Ashley a chance to live. Even today people dont give children like Ashley a chance.
These are just my feelings, take them or leave them for what they are.......