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Please Look to Your Right


Brother Borealis
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Jul 19, 2005
Peters Creek, Alaska
On my way to work this morning, I witnessed an accident pretty much right in front of me: SUV vs. bicyclist. Predictably, the SUV won. Fortunately, it was a relatively low speed impact so it could have been worse. But it was bad enough. It was a square hit that sent the poor girl for a loop of about 10-12 feet. As near as I and a medical assistant on the scene could tell, it looked like the primary trauma was to her left leg/knee, with secondary head trauma from striking the pavement without a helmet.

A few years ago, I could have been that SUV driver. Just like him, I was waiting to make a right hand turn onto a busy street. I did look right for sidewalk traffic but just like him, I was more focused to my left, waiting for an opening in the oncoming traffic. And just like him, I started my turn without checking sidewalk traffic just one more time. Fortunately, I did see the fast moving rider at the last instant, right in front of me, and was able to brake in time...but just barely. As a result, I'm pretty paranoid about giving one last look for foot/bike traffic before making a turn.

And a reminder for the cyclists (I used to be one!): please wear your helmet and try to make eye contact with turning drivers so you know that they know you're there...and don't take your eyes off of 'em until you're clear.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I saw a car almost take out a couple pushing a stroller recently not paying attention to who was approaching on their right. Luckily the Dad was watching the car and avoided something bad. Made me make sure to check a little better myself.
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Apr 26, 2015
I ride a motorcycle and would add the following. Please do not assume that because you make eye contact that the "see" you. That only means you see their eyes and they are looking in your general direction. A lot is misunderstood about the way we are things. Fact is everyone of us has a blindspot directly within our feild of vision. You don't see it because your brain fills in the space with what it expects to see. Also our vision is not really HD like we think. Only a very small field is in HD and the rest is blurry. Again your brain fills in the blurry space with what it expects should be their. So always assume they don't see you. Or better yet do like I do. Assume they do see you and you look like the guy who stole his wife. Then protect yourself. Keep the rubber side down brothers.
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Jun 8, 2015
Shame to have to see that. Getting behind the wheel is scary anymore.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Was driving behind a car last week or the week before. There was a little traffic, and he was too close to the truck in front of him, so backed off a few extra feet. Just as I had expected, traffic came to a complete stop, the guys in the car were too close and couldn't avoid the collision. I'm a semi aggressive driver if I'm being honest, but just being aware of your surroundings(and area you're driving in to a certain extent) can save you from unnecessary accidents like that.

TLDR, pay more attention


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
I saw a lady on a cell phone in a s10cut over on a sportster a few day ago. The biker took quick action and swerved into the left line on the hwy then yelled a few choice words. They were about 6" apart as they both changed lanes. I had ppl about kill me a few times on my motorcycle. I wish I could of mounted a phone jammeer on my bike. Is your best friends eating pizza post worth killing someone?
and on another note Bicyclist are a holes in my book. Lol they almost got me hit a few times on the victory. They p me off when im in my car too. Always riding on roads w no shoulder and blind corners... guess normal safe not getting other ppl killed in collision roads are no fun.. geez dude go to the park or a bike trail by the river or something. And why do men want to wear girls swim suits and prance around town like there lance Armstrong in the tour de France when they are on the latest get some one killed adventure?
Sorry for the rant guys ... life experience made me this way