I had a blast (literally, the wind was like 30-40mph in the outhouse!)
Thanks Dave for being such a great host!
Thanks to Brian & Todd for coming, you guys are fun - I haven't laughed that much in weeks!
Here are my pics:
I particularly like the "Hungry Hell Hound!" & the one of Brian smoking the Pinapple White Owl, anyone else think he looks like he is enjoying it a bit too much?
Thanks again fellas, very fun.
Pic #1 - Smokin' Todd holding my new boxes and wearing a kick ass shirt! LOL!
Pic #2 - Dave & Brian wondering where all the sausage balls went (**cough**TODD**cough**)
Pic #3 - Todd paralized from the trichonisis laced sauasge balls
Pic #4 - "Get in my belly!"
Pic #5 - Another one of Dave's "sentry guards"
Pic #6 - This SLR sucks! Where's my White Owl!
Pic #7 - My "leavins"
Pic #8 - More of my "leavins"
Pic #9 - Dave trying to tell Todd EXACTLY what he is holding...again
Pic #10 - "Hunger Hell Hound!"
Pic #14 - Ahhhh...FINALLY a decent smoke in this place!