Busted Mailbox
I'm still such a noob when it comes to cigars. I can't tell anyone with any certainty what my favorite has been so far. Part of the problem, for me anyway, is my poor palate. I've had sinus issues over the past 10 years and over the last 2 or so I have many days where my sense of taste and/or smell are pretty much non-existent. I find it very difficult if not impossible to pick up any of the flavors in a wine or a cigar, or any food for that matter. Some days are perfectly fine and I can smell the flowers, and taste the strawberries etc. Are there any other BOTLs out there who suffer from a less-than-stellar palate? Can you train it? Enhance it? Tweak your smoking technique to better capture the smells and flavors? I just really want to get the best out of these sticks.