BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
A senior U.S. Postal Service official warned that passage of pending postal reform legislation, when coupled with the Bush Administration demands on military retirement costs, could increase stamp prices by as much as 20 percent in the near future. The postal reform bill S. 662, scheduled for Senate action would require the U.S.P.S. to become the first federal agency to pre-fund its retirees' health benefits while the Bush Administration is insisting that the agency absorb the military retirement obligations of its employees, also a first for the federal government.
"Under current law, the Postal Service has managed to keep the cost of postage below the rate of inflation," said Tom Day, Senior Vice President for Government Relations. "But this bill not only strips the Postal Service of much of its management authority but almost guarantees a hefty rate increase."
Day said that should final legislation require the Postal Service to prefund retiree health benefits and retain a $27 billion obligation to fund military retirement benefits for its employees, postage rates could increase by up to 20 percent. That would be in addition to any rate increase necessary to fund postal operating costs. The postage rate increase that was effective on Jan. 8 was implemented solely to generate the $3.1 billion necessary to fund an escrow account resulting from 2003 legislation. 1