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Prayers needed multiple times over!! - UPDATE

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Dec 10, 2004
Weatherford, OK
I haven't been able to spend as much time on the board the last few months as I used to due to my wife having some health problems. She had surgery a couple of weeks ago though and we are hoping those problems have been taking care of. She is feeling 100% better and is feeling better and better with each passing day.

Now about the needed prayers....

My father-in-law had been diagnosed with prostrate cancer a few years ago and went through months of treatment to an excellent end. The cancer was gone. Well a few months back he started having some pain in his back that eventually became unbearable and so he went back to the VA for answers. After a few tests and an MRI they told him he had a mass on his left lung that was malignant. They ran a full body scan and the news wan't good. The cancer had spread to other parts of his body and there is basically nothing they can do except try to keep him comfortable. He told me about a week ago that the doctor had called him and told him that he probably only had about six months and needed to get his affairs in order. I am the only one he has told and vowed me to secrecy. He asked me not to say a thing to anyone, not even my wife. Everyone knows he is terminal, just not that he only has about six months to live. He is 72, a great guy and has worked his ass off all of his life. It is a sad thing!

Then on Friday evening we got more possibly bad news. My son and his wife were expecting a baby about a year and a half ago and she miscarried about 3 months into the pregnancy. They were devastated and have been trying to get pregnant ever since. She finally went on some fertility drugs and wound up pregnant again four months ago. She had gone in last week for an unltrasound and some bloodwork and from the ultrasound they told her that everything looked good. Then Friday evening she was told that according to the results of the blood work that there was a possibility that the baby could have Trisomy 18, which is basically where the baby has an extra chromosome #18. This usually always causes a major defect and deformity of the heart. Fifty percent of all babies born with this do not survive past a week, some only hours. She is scheduled to go in the 22nd for an amniocentesis. We are very much hoping that the blood work was wrong. The doctor told them that the blood test was a mild indicator of the Trisomy 18. I can only guess that he ran that test because of her last miscarriage.

Then I get a call last night that my boss had been life flighted to Tulsa and that they thought he had had a heart attack. I found out later last night that they had to go in and put in some stints. He is a great guy and you couldn't ask for a better person to work for. He is only 44, a couple of months younger than me, which is scary as hell. I spoke to him earlier this afternoon and he seemed to be doing good. They had to put in two stints but he still hadn't talked to the doctor and gotten the full report on whether there was any heart damge or not.

I know this is a tall order but if you will, please keep them all in your prayers.



BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
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Mar 24, 2005
Boy JG. Prayers with ya. Stay strong and I hope all works out as best it can.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
Damn Jason, when it rains, it pours. I'll definitely be praying for you and your family.
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Jan 9, 2006
I am not a religious person by any means. But when I hear these things, I get down on the knees and prey all works out for your circle of people. Best of lucky James.
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Dec 10, 2004
Weatherford, OK
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Knowing that so many people, most of which I haven't ever even had the chance to meet yet, are keeping all of us in their prayers mean more to us than you can possibly imagine!

There is some good news already where my boss is concerned. he was released and sent home yesterday and is feeling very good. There doesn't appear to have been much damage to his heart and hopefully in a couple of weeks he can resume his normal schedule and return to work.

Now if we can just get some excellent news concerning our soon to be first grandbaby, that will be a huge weight lifted.
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Dec 10, 2004
Weatherford, OK
I've meant to post this update before now but with everything that has been taking place as well the work load at work with the boss gone, I just haven't had time.

My boss is doing good. He has been going to physical therapy three times a week and everything is looking great. He is going to come back to work on July 10th.

As for my son & his wife there is also excellent news to report. She had her appointment in OKC with a specialist on June 21st. He did a 3D ultrasound on her and the baby checked out absolutely fine. All physical features appeared to be perfect and the baby's heart also looked completely normal, with no defects at all. He said that the baby was right on track, both size & weight, for as far along in the pregnancy my daughter-in-law is. He told them that he could say with certainty, that their baby does not have Trisomy 18. This was a huge relief to us all! My wife and I are ecstatic and can't wait for the day we will be Grandpa & Grandma!! :blob:

Sadly news hasn't gotten any better where my father-in-law is concerned. He is having quite a few problems and it is so sad to see him withering away. He is still getting around pretty good but he is getting so skinny. When he was over the other night he weighed and tipped the scales at 148 lbs, and that is on a 6' frame. They did decide to start another round of chemo almost two weeks ago and it didn't go well at all. I'm not sure if they increased the dose or what. The first round he would do 3 hours at a time and this last time they had him for 5 hours. He is just now getting to where he can eat and actually keep something down. He is not sure if he is going to do another dose or not. They are trying to prolong his life, but what is life if there is no quality of life.

Our whole family thanks everyone for their thoughts & prayers. Just know that everyone's well wishes have been a great comfort to our entire family!


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
Good to see your wife, future grandbaby, and boss are doing fine now! That's great news there! I pray that God's will prevails in your father-in-laws life. Whatever that may be