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Prodigal Son needs some help


Lowly Civil Servant
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Nov 5, 2005
Atlanta Georgia
Okay so maybe I'm not that wasteful, but I have been scarce for the past several months and this is the reason why.

I'm an air traffic controller who has been working desperately not to have the FAA impose work rules on myself and fellow controllers simply because they don't want to negotiate a contract in a fair manner. We will have legislation coming to the US House of Representatives next week that will help to bring the Agency back to the negotiating table, but I can use any help from my cigar brothers/sisters to support my controller brothers/sisters. If you can possibly help out call this number toll free 1-877-FAIR-FAA (877) 324-7322. You tell them your zip-code, they give you the bill number (H.R. 5449), and it will forward you to your Congressional representative. Ask them to support air traffic controllers by voting for HR 5449. There is a hyperlink you can use to send an email to your representatives, but the phone call is more important since they may not get the message prior to the vote. Thanks in advance for anyone who calls. I appologize for using the forum for a make-shift soapbox. I just felt like I had to ask anyone who might be able to help.

Here's the info from the site:
Imagine if one out of every four air traffic controllers were to
stop working, all at once. How would that kind of shortage
affect the safety of air passengers? That?s exactly what might
happen if the Federal Aviation Administration moves forward with
plans to unilaterally impose its last contract offer in
bargaining with the nation?s air traffic controllers.

Tell your U.S. representative to stop the FAA from forcing a
contract on our air controllers. Ask him or her to support H.R.
5449, a bipartisan bill that would give air traffic controllers
access to the same contract resolution process available to
other federal employees.

Click the link below to take action:


The FAA administrator is exploiting a loophole in the law to
unilaterally impose pay cuts and work rules on our nation's air
traffic controllers. Despite the union?s efforts, which included
an offer of $1.4 billion in cost savings, the FAA broke off
negotiations in order to force implementation of its one-sided

The proposal cuts pay for current controllers, slashes pay rates
for the next generation of hires and reduces pensions for
experienced controllers if they stay on the job.

The air traffic system is already critically short-staffed.
Imposing pay and work rules that encourage existing controllers
to leave long before their replacements can be trained is simply
not good for America.

The FAA has consistently opposed fair collective bargaining with
its unions. Next week, Congress will vote on H.R. 5449, which
will restore fairness to the bargaining process for air traffic
controllers by giving them the same rights other federal workers
enjoy. Take action today to protect the safety of our aviation
system by asking your representative to vote ?yes? on H.R. 5449.


Thank you for all you do.

aka William "Dub" Pearman
Air Traffic Control Specialist
Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Center