Ah, Dave, you're reading my mind. The cab is definitely the way to go. Our guy has them, and I have heard nothing but excellent reviews on this stick.get them. if you have the means for a 50 cab, do it. great warm weather smoke.
That would be the one!'07 Estupendos would be worth a shot to purchase.
I honestly never saw myself pulling the trigger on something this grand, but 5 people whom I highly respect consider this one of the best cigars out of ISOM in years. The Winnies and Lusies are great cigars, but I have been told that this is a major win.Honest question: for $XYZ you'd really rather have a cab of these REs instead of 50 Sir Winnies or Lusitanias? I haven't had one, but definitely surprised there's an RE that has this strong a following. (Though given that, not terribly surprised it's a PCC release.)