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Remote Starters

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Aug 12, 2010
Anyone have knowledge of the workings on these things? I had a remote starter installed on my 07 Forester in February and have been having a few problems. The shifter suddenly wont come out of park unless I use the manual release, if the starter is used the car will stay running after it is shut off until the starter button is pushed, and now the back brake lights are out. The wife had it in for inspection this morning, which is how we found out the brake lights are out, and the mechanic said that there were a bunch of wires cut for the remote starter. His suggestion is to have the whole starter removed and the wiring back to factory standards. My question is, shouldnt a wiring harness have been used from the factory wires to the remote starter? It almost sounds like they didnt use one and tried to wire everything in direct. I am stuck at work and she is taking it to the "professionals" that installed it herself, so I am also curious what they might try to say would be our fault that this happened.