For the past 3 years, a group of old friends of mine have been doing team trivia during school breaks. we try to do it about 1 or 2 times a week. its always packed at our normal location so we decided to try a new place. we met up at fosters pub ( my new favorite bar) and had a number of drinks:bottle: and many laughs:hysterica. Team Needs PBR aka us were in the lead at halftime. we held strong through the second half and the final question and came in FIRST!!!:clap: this is the first time in 3 years so it was kinda a big deal. we got our 50 dollars house cash and promptly spent it on shots of tequila. all in all we had one last great night with everyone still in town before most leave to go do what they do for the summer. just had to share this with yall