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Rough day at school, yet exciting.


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Jul 27, 2009
Minnesota, USA
Kind of had a bad day today but it was exciting.

I woke up late and tired made my way to school. Neared the end of my first and only class today and my teacher says there is a lock down. We were all like; what ever it is probably just some bum walking around the school or just a drill. So my 4 hour class becomes a 5 and a half hour class. I am getting very hungry. Towards the end of the lock down I am listening at the door along with other classmates and we hear someone coming to unlock the door so I reach to pick up my bag as I do so I look at the man at the door. He is holding an M4 and fully dressed for war looking something like this:

Except in green.

I freeze cause well he has a gun. And he tell all of us to leave the building. I had to leave my bag behind. Uhg. I get out side and wait for 10, 15 mins and decide I will just leave and get my bag later. Then I see I have a ticket when I get to my car. I forgot to put my parking permit in the window! Wow and 20 dollar fine. They new I had a permit but yet they could not just leave me with a warning.

Lets hope the rest of my day goes well. Here is the story and I am in the picture of the crowd second from the left in the gray pants black shirt.


This just goes to show whether it is a drill or not don't be standing at the door. And also we did not get the message cause our intercom speaker was not working from construction this summer so we could have all been screwed had it not been for some lady my teacher new that called and said what was going on.

Watch for me on the news tomorrow morning!


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
fun stuff! my first question when i walk into a classroom with my gun drawn: is there any bad guys in here? as for the ticket, only $20?


Not the mad fladder!
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Sep 1, 2009
Marana Az
School is a scary place to be these days huh? You could always go get a concealed handgun liscense so you have a way to protect yourself :thumbsup:


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Jul 27, 2009
Minnesota, USA
fun stuff! my first question when i walk into a classroom with my gun drawn: is there any bad guys in here? as for the ticket, only $20?
I was expecting a "THIS IS THE POLICE!". All they said was anyone in here. Like wtf yes I am in here shoot me please. oh And they new I had a permit. The ticket was specifically written as currently permitted not in the window.

School is a scary place to be these days huh? You could always go get a concealed handgun liscense so you have a way to protect yourself
I did do all the training for that with my dad I was 16 though so I could not take the test and get the license.

whoa, crazy man. you should tell em to forgive the ticket because of the incident.
Yea it was a kick in the nuts. I mean I was tired, hungry, thirsty, pissed because my bag was locked in the building and now I have more homework, and now a ticket? At least a warning.

I would say there are a lot of school shootings. More than just columbine. I think the cops are much more willing to come out to prove to the people who are contemplating this that they had better not! They also want to show us that we are safe the police will be there with a simple phone call.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Only problem about having a license to carry a concealed handgun would be this: Your school probably has specific campus policy of not allowing concealed carry on the campus. In PA there is no law prohibiting concealed carry on a college campus however because each campus makes up their own campus laws/policies you would be in violation of their policy.

Check here for info. http://www.concealedcampus.org/

From what I know however, what can happen to you if you were found with it is that the campus police will call the cops and you should be simply told to leave. You might also end up getting expelled from said school with who knows what on your transcript as to why you were expelled. If you refused to leave you can then be arrested based on trespassing laws. I have not tried this myself nor have I questioned my campus police in detail about the situation. I did call over the phone with a number not linked to my name. That way they don't keep an eye one just because I inquired.


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Jul 27, 2009
Minnesota, USA
Only problem about having a license to carry a concealed handgun would be this: Your school probably has specific campus policy of not allowing concealed carry on the campus. In PA there is no law prohibiting concealed carry on a college campus however because each campus makes up their own campus laws/policies you would be in violation of their policy.
Yea I know there is no law against carrying a gun at school but it is against school policy. So you are right expelled. I am not worried though, Don't have any beef with anyone so its all good.

Sounds like a way to shake down kids for money. I'd complain, loudly, if only out of principle.
No kidding. I think that because of the whole gun report security decided to crack down on every little problem. I am sure they were out there looking for guns in cars and they were really scared so they was like omg omg wtf I am scared I better write tickets, just keep writing tickets.