Today my wife and I had to put our old lab retriver mix to sleep this evening. Greta was somewhere near 13 yo. I say somewhere near because when we adopted her, we adopted her from a shit hole shelter that was shutting down for being a shit hole. They were giving dogs away and shelters were taking the other "adoptable" dogs. Dogs that didn't find homes were going to be put to sleep by the humane society. Because Greta was already 7 yo (that's what they told us, she was probably older), we didn't think she'd have much luck finding a home soooo....she made us hers. Fast forward 6 1/2 years and her mind was gone along with her eyes, ears and back legs. She would wonder aimlessly before falling on our laminate floors or go outside to potty and not be able to find her way back inside. The daily pain meds could only help so much. Sure I lost patience with her after falling 5,000 times or wondering confused throughout the living room or yard, but I know she couldn't help it.
Putting your dog to sleep is never easy. Iv been with my parents when they had to put their numerous dogs to sleep but when that decisions on you, it's rough. Especially when they aren't diagnosed with a terminal illness that tells you when it's time.
Thanks for reading my rant and have a stick for greta!
Putting your dog to sleep is never easy. Iv been with my parents when they had to put their numerous dogs to sleep but when that decisions on you, it's rough. Especially when they aren't diagnosed with a terminal illness that tells you when it's time.
Thanks for reading my rant and have a stick for greta!