n0ob Phreak
Well....I finished my 30hr class on friday....I had fired off my resume thursday and my friend called and told me to call him when I was officially done with my class....Sooo at 345 pm I called him...My "offer of employment letter/contract" will be here next week...I leave 5 sept for kansas...start this job on the 7th and will be there till about 15 oct or so...then back home where I will hop on board the unemployment express for the remainder of the yr....I'm not particular happy/proud about that but I will have made enuff that we can live a lil better w/the UB's...ie we can do some wants and not just needs while I get the 510 and 500 osha certs and then I will be back in kansas come jan for 5 months...thereby kicking off my safety contractor career....So if anyone is in the Topeka area and would like to get together let me know...I will be on days the first week then midnites for the remainder of my time there..to say I am happy is an understatement lol....thanks for looking....len