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Savannah, GA...Your Right to Enjoy a Cigar Have Been Diminished

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Nov 14, 2010
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - A new ordinance that bans smoking in numerous locations is about to take effect in Savannah, and smokers and businesses are preparing to deal with the restrictions.

The rules, effective with the start of the new year, ban smoking in bars, bowling alleys, outdoor stadiums, private clubs and even when standing outdoors in a service line.

The ban affects cigarettes, cigars, pipes and even electronic cigarettes.

Breatheasy Savannah, the organization backing the tighter restrictions, has strong support from health-care professionals and from music fans eager to visit nightclubs without smelling like an ashtray.

Breatheasy supplies kits that include signs to alert customers and a tape measure so that businesses know where to draw the line to meet a requirement for smoking be kept 10 feet from an entrance.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Ridiculous from one who lives in Atlanta...cities are slowly going that way and it's only going to pick up steam unless something is done to combat this. Unless we group en masse to voice our displeasure they will keep putting up this kind of crap. We have ourselves to blame unless we get motivated to doing something..sitting on our hands and bitching isn't the answer.


the Cigar "Gangsta" ;0(
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Aug 31, 2009
Atlanta, Ga
Ridiculous from one who lives in Atlanta...cities are slowly going that way and it's only going to pick up steam unless something is done to combat this. Unless we group en masse to voice our displeasure they will keep putting up this kind of crap. We have ourselves to blame unless we get motivated to doing something..sitting on our hands and bitching isn't the answer.

You're a thinker... What do you suggest bro? I'm down to fight for my rights!
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Feb 3, 2009
I think it would take a monumental amount of cash to fight all these smoking bans as being unconstitutional (see NRA). It has to start somewhere. South Dakota trying and got it on the ballot for a vote but there are too many non-smokers to try that. If it got overturned in one city that would allow us to expand statewide form there. Perhaps a senator or mayor or representative that is sympathetic to our cause. I'm a member of CRA but I don't see anything from them that is getting our foot in the door someplace to stop the madness!:angerFU:
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Oct 31, 2010
Southern Pines, NC
Wow did I miss the CRA alert on this one? I love visiting Savannah and this is going to hurt a lot of business. I am shocked at how the Govt continues to take personal liberties away. I am all for choices. Should a business decide to tell people not to smoke in their establishment then so be it I can then choose to not give my money to them. I know I am preaching to the choir. Too late to craft my emails to the city counsel tonight I know it goes right in the trash bin but I feel they are worth the attempt.


Not part of the clique
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Sep 14, 2010
They are getting us all, we are 25 ft from any entrance including window opening or not, vents ect. Sh*t we even have some public parks where we can't smoke outside in the middle of nowhere.

We are losing Folks!


Perfecto Lounge
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Dec 19, 2010
Roseville, CA
Smoking is bad for you, therefore has been deemed illegal. Stoopid (yes...with two o's!). Remember that movie Demolition Man? Anything that was deemed bad for you was illegal. However, Taco Bell won the "fast food wars" and now all restaurants are Taco Bell.

According to this website
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_causes_of_death_by_rate"]List of causes of death by rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Gnome_globe_current_event.svg" class="image"><img alt="Gnome globe current event.svg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Gnome_globe_current_event.svg/42px-Gnome_globe_current_event.svg.png"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/d/df/Gnome_globe_current_event.svg/42px-Gnome_globe_current_event.svg.png[/ame]
cigar smokers have a higher risk of dying from esophageal cancer (.78% of total deaths) and oral cancers (.56% of total deaths) than non-smokers. Combined this accounts for 1.34% of all deaths. By the numbers, cigar smoking is less risky than driving (2.09%) and you have a higher chance of dying from malaria (2.23%). Does that mean driving or spending time outdoors should be banned too?

Smokers are an easy target because of the "sin tax" mentality.
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Sep 15, 2010
So can a business still open there if they are specifically a "Cigar Lounge" or something similar?

Or is all smoking indoors illegal (unless in your own house) even if the business specifically states that people smoke there?
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Oct 5, 2010
Savannah banned smoking in bars a year ago (or thereabouts). At least one cigar bar I was aware of had to shut down. As far as I know, the only place indoors you can still smoke is in a true cigar shop.

Savannah is a good walking town and a great place to smoke a cigar outdoors. When the weather is warm, I like to light up and take a stroll through the old squares, Forsyth Park, etc. It really ticks me off that I can't find any good place to smoke in the winter.

- Greenhouse
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Jan 5, 2011
Dallas, TX
Businesses is Galveston, TX fought back against the smoking ban imposed on them back in Jan of '09. Nine months later the city council reversed course. Win one for Freedom.