Back in January I bought a new VW Jetta. I hated the antenna on it. Since I bought a Wolfsburg and not a GLI I got the long antenna that sticks up.
Well I hate the look of it and wanted the slim line look. So I called the dealer to ask about it. I had to pick myself up off the floor when they told me the price.
After a little research on some of the VW forums I found the Shark Fin Antenna. Close to the ones on the VW and Audi's.
For $60 dollars I ordered it. You supply your color code and they paint it to match. 3 weeks later it was here.
Does it effect your radio reception? So far I have not noticed a difference. The inside has the following for reception in it
Was very easy to install. Unscrew the old antenna, line it up where you want it, mark the area with a little tape, screw tether of the new one in, pull the paper off the gasket, line it up and press it down. That its, took me the longest to get the alignment right.
This is the out come:
I would recommend it to any one with a VW, Audi, Mazada or any other vehicle with an ugly antenna. You can also use it to cover up satellite radio antennas.
If they do not have one for your vehicle, email them and they might make one. Oh yeah its made by Visual Garage click here.
I wish we had an Auto sub-forum under other interests for stuff like this.
Well I hate the look of it and wanted the slim line look. So I called the dealer to ask about it. I had to pick myself up off the floor when they told me the price.
After a little research on some of the VW forums I found the Shark Fin Antenna. Close to the ones on the VW and Audi's.
For $60 dollars I ordered it. You supply your color code and they paint it to match. 3 weeks later it was here.
Does it effect your radio reception? So far I have not noticed a difference. The inside has the following for reception in it
Was very easy to install. Unscrew the old antenna, line it up where you want it, mark the area with a little tape, screw tether of the new one in, pull the paper off the gasket, line it up and press it down. That its, took me the longest to get the alignment right.
This is the out come:
I would recommend it to any one with a VW, Audi, Mazada or any other vehicle with an ugly antenna. You can also use it to cover up satellite radio antennas.
If they do not have one for your vehicle, email them and they might make one. Oh yeah its made by Visual Garage click here.
I wish we had an Auto sub-forum under other interests for stuff like this.