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Shooting Range


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Last year me and the wife2be went to the range but I only had a .22 revolver and a .45cal Kimber 1911 to shoot with. The .22 was very unbalanced and the .45 was way too much gun to start with. It didn't turn her off from shooting, but she wasn't on the edge of her seat to go again.

Fast forward to yesterday and we hit the range again. This time I was able to rent her a Glock 17 9mm. She LOVED it! The weight was much more reasonable for her and the 9mm recoil wasn't anything to be afraid of. She blew through a box of ammo in no time and wanted too shoot more but I said we should quit while we're head.

Here's her target at 25ft:

We started dating seven years ago. Meghan grew up in a very left winged (no offense to anyone), very anti-gun family. She was always scared of guns and didn't even like to be in the same room as them. Now after some more range time to try out some more handguns, she's going to be getting her CCW!

On another note, I couldn't get used to that damn Glock trigger for the life of me. I'd never shot a Glock before (1911 guy myself) and I felt like I was squeezing a damn sponge. My shots were all over the place due to jerking the trigger. It was a little embarrassing...
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Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
Glad to hear that you were able to show the wife2be that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to guns, and she now enjoys shooting with you.

Not suprised to hear that she did well with the Glock 17. I remember one of the writers in my gun rags stated that when he took new shooters and tried out different pistol platforms the Glock was the pistol that they were able to fire and operate the best.
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
perhaps try a USP 9mm, or even better a P30L 9mm! those things have a double recoil system that makes it feel like a 22lr. A bit pricey though. But if you want quality, you'll pay for it.

Used USP 9mm can be had for $500, police trade ins as low as $439

If you go the police trade in route, make sure to pay close attention to the springs, the barrel will outlast most other barrels out there due to its polygonal shape, so the springs will be the biggest thing to watch for. a complete spring overhaul will cost about $70.