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Six more weeks, this sucks- giveaway


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
On 27APR13 I had a motorcycle accident. Broke my ankle and had to have surgery. Today was the five week check up.

Good news and bad news. The good news is that I am healing very well. The bad news is that because I am a giant things is going to go the full 12 weeks. In mortals they would have only put one of the lower two screws in. On 15 AUG I get the two large screws out and they replace them with two smaller ones the same size at the upper seven in order to permanently support the plate. I am allowed to stand on it but cannot walk since when you walk the two bones move independently of each other and could shear the screws off and the tendon between the two bones would become detached again. After the screws are changed out it will be load bearing as tolerated. So I will likely not be back on my bike and back to work until the end of AUG instead of the beginning of JUL that I had dreamed of. I want to thank everyone for their ongoing support, prayers, visits, and well wishes. I am trying to keep high spirits, but this just sucks. You know it sucks when all you can say is that it could have been worse.

The rough part is that I have a family of five and am self employed. Things are a bit tight. The cigars and pipe baccy I have saved up and Netflix are keeping me from killing someone. I have always found that the best thing to do when you are down is to think of others. So, I make these things out of parachute cord called Worry Leashes. Kinda like Worry Stones if yo are familiar. Basically a mindfulness tool for people going through rough times. When you get overwhelmed you pull out your Worry Leash and rub it with your thumb, and think just for a minute that someone cared enough to make it for you. Sometimes that is all it takes to reset the fuse box. So, lets do 10 of these. If you, or someone you know is having a rough time of it, email me at mercop27@gmail.com. I need their address and favorite color. I have lots of colors of paracord laying around. I know we have a contest area, but I just want to give these away. Mods, if I am out of line please let me know. Thanks for the camaraderie. - George


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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Awesome gesture man, I know it sucks to be down a limb when you're an active person. Glad things are getting better for your leg.

So are you in a boot or anything? When I broke my arm and had a cast from fingers to shoulder I used long zip ties to get those itches, so I thought I would through that out there if you have anything covering your leg.
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May 21, 2013
New Hampshire
Oh man I am glad you are making a good recovery. I broke my ankle back in the early 2003 and was out of work for almost 5 months. A few weeks in I was soo ready to go back to work. Glad you have a project to keep you busy. It is a very cool thing you are doing. Best wishes on your recovery!


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
Way to spread the love around here! I wish you and your family all the best in the coming weeks with your healing, brother!


Cigar Daddy
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Jun 29, 2008
Southeast PA
All I ever had was a splint. I have a boot now that I only where when I go out of the house. I try not to wear it so I am not tempted to even take a step. When I was a kid I got hit by a car and broke my leg. Had a cast all summer, all the way to my groin. That itching can drive you crazy. Thanks for the support guys- George
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Mar 26, 2013
Seattle, WA
All the best George. That is a shyt ton of metal they loaded you up with. Glad your healing well. I looked at your photo and you aint kidding you are a freight train:)
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
Damn it man, I've never broke anything major (knock on wood) My pops fell off a roof some years ago, and blew his ankle to pieces, it took him almost a year before he could come back to work. Take it easy and listen to the docs, rushing it now will do nothing but cause problems later. Wishing you a complete, swift recovery brother!!
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Apr 10, 2012
Get well soon brother. Glad the recovery is going well, sux it will take the full time but better to just take your medicine now you'll be back to it in no time. The big picture what's another month of not being able to ride as long as you take care of yourself and get healed up right.