I know some of you will laugh, but I just configured my new Smart Car today. It will arive in 5 to 6 months. Eventhough I am a very large guy, I had more than enough room.
They only sell the two door in the states (no Roadster), and no diesel yet.
They start under 13k.
It is funny because the Smart dealership here used to be the Hummer dealership, amd I am trading in a Hummer to get the Smart. The guy I just moved in next to has two. He parks them in the single bay garage door (both of them). The double bay door right next to it has no cars in it.
No offense but I have never understood the fascination with the Smart Car. I agree that they look very cool and they get pretty decent gas mileage....but for sacrificing that much size, the gas mileage increase doesn't seem justified. You can get a Yaris that gets only 5 miles less per gallon and you'll probably pay less. The Yaris is also much bigger and you'll actually be able to accelerate onto an on-ramp. Hell, my G6 gets about 32 mpg on the highway if I'm easy on her...that's only 9 less than the Smart's rating on fueleconomy.gov and I can actually fit 5 people and luggage in my car.
I have had more cars than I can remember, so i just want it just because. The price is not a concern. I had a BMW M6 before the Hummer, and all my friends thought I was crazy when I came home with the big SUV.
I was driving home from work the other day in SC , and one of them Smart Cars , Passed me I was doing 55 and this thing blow by me like i was sitting still......mmmmmm boy was it ugly tho......I wouldn't want to be in a wind storm in that thing .....