So today marks 1 month since my grandfathers sudden passing, and it has me thinking about the real reason that I smoke cigars. For many young people that smoke around me, and this is not all young people that smoke trust me..but for a majority of young people that smoke, they are smoking just to smoke or whatever else. This is okay because it's totally their choice and I'm sure I started out that way as well! But for me smoking and having a nice cigar was a bond that I had with my grandfather, it was something special. My grandfather was a military man, and he worked for EVERYTHING he ever had, and had more smoking experience than anyone I have ever known. His last month we knew something wasn't right with him..and through all of it all he wanted to do was sit on the front porch in his old chair and have cigars and talk! Everyone was so busy with everything but I had the time and we both loved cigars, so every day if pick up some cigars from The Tinderbox and head over to sit on the porch a few hours and smoke and talk, and most importantly listen and LEARN everything I could! Spending so much time with him in his last month definitely made it harder when he passed but in the end I was blessed with so many stories and lessons and talks that made all those hours so special with him. Cigars are a bond with him that I will never lose and forget with my grandfather, and that man is a big reason for why I smoke today and enjoy the knowledge and lessons of cigars! Below is a link to a picture taken today, it's one of the last cigars that I smoked with my grandfather, and a gold pinky ring he passed down to me lol but that's another story.