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Smoking while walking/walking the dog

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
I just got back home from taking the pooch for a nice long walk while I enjoy a My Father. Along the way there were several ppl walking around and the park path I take.

As I am walking around I am a very friendly person and say hello to everyone I walk by (yes it is the Canadian way). I get alot of ppl as they walk by going omg he's smoking a cigar or is that a cigar he's smoke and once in awhile I get the is that a blunt (giant joint, big marijuana cigarette, etc.). My question is does this happen to anyone else when they walk and enjoy a cigar. I walk by both a fire station and police hang out I don't think it's a station but always a few cops. They sometimes watch me very closely or even follow.

Is this normal to anyone else or does this happen cause I'm only 26 years old and look younger then they are it was crazy today and I noticed it more then usual.

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Jun 28, 2013
Puyallup Wa
I was smoking on the front porch of my new place and my neighbors I haven't met yet were walking by, the lady pipes up smoke that thing somewhere else it stinks. The husband says don't listen to her she drinks vinegar and hates life, smells good man. People are stupid just chalk it up to that. But what is up with cops following you?
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Beats me I have no clue. There have been some pot heads around smashing bus stop shelters. So I think they followed me just cause they were bored that's all.

They weren't the issue it was everyone else that kind of threw me off that's all. I just wanted to know everyone's take on it. Just really odd that's all.

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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
I get the stares and comments as well. Mostly, I think, because I have a pit bull, and people are predisposed to think all pits are mean and their owners are mean.

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Apr 19, 2012
Inland Empire, California
I have a pitbull too and it's very sad how ignorant people are about them. My dog was a 2 month old stray I rescued off the streets and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Not only do I have a pitbull, but I have a full sleeve of tattoos on one arm and a few others on the other arm, so naturally people watch the both of us a little longer sometimes. Truth is I'm probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and would give you the shirt off my back and every dollar in my wallet if you really needed it, but people see a tattooed guy smoking a cigar walking a pitbull and think other stuff.

Anyways, I have been taking my dog to a dog park almost every night (every one at the dog park loves my dog, he's very social with other dogs, and especially loves little dogs)and I usually enjoy a good stick there. I was worried that other people there would make snide remarks or say something rude to my face, but no one has said anything yet. It's usually all the same people there at the time I go so they are all used to it by now I think. I try to sit on a bench away from most people who always gather around to talk, but every time someone comes and sits down next to me to either just talk, give their dog a rest, or ask questions about my dog (people really do love him there) I always ask if the cigar bothers them and they always say "no, not at all, it actually smells really good." I've been pretty fortunate, but am still worried about that one person who flips out about me smoking a cigar at a dog park.
I get the stares and comments as well. Mostly, I think, because I have a pit bull, and people are predisposed to think all pits are mean and their owners are mean.

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BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
probably has to do with your age and your location mostly...

Guys in their 20's arent the "norm" (at least not around here) to be serious cigar smokers.. you also have said you have a problem in your area with vandalism that people are associating with pot smokers..

Cops spend their entire day playing the Seseame Street game of "One of these things is not like the other"... (I was a cop for a long time much earlier in life).. If something looks out of place.. or doesnt quite fit in.. then it needs to be looked into.. and needs to be confirmed that it is not a problem..

In the US (Canada law is similar.. but uses different terms/terminology).. "Reasonable Suspicion" is the standard that a police officer must meet to be justified in making a stop.. if it is reasonable to suspect that someone in their mid 20's walking through a neighborhood known to have drug offenders that is smoking something in a cigar wrapper..(understanding that cigar wrappers are a common way marijuana smokers consume their drug) might be up to something.. the cops are really just doing their job if they are watching you and trying to figure out what you are doing... if there has recently been a rash of vandalism and they have confirmed that its being done by people in their 20's that smoke dope in cigar wrappers.. they might go so far as to stop you and talk to you about what youre doing.. and confirm that youre not smoking weed..

the easiest way to put an end to it.. is to simply approach them.. say hello.. make small talk.. just greet them say "thanks for watching our neighborhood", etc.. and then be on your way.. once they know you.. and know youre not a problem.. and have confirmed you arent a doper.. they'll probably start approaching you while youre out walking the dog.. and asking you if you want to burn a cigar with them lol...
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
It's funny that you say that cause I actually stopped and was talking to 2 of the cops and they were asking if they knew anything about the issue. They actually know that it's young kids in their early teens. They asked if I lived with my rents but I told them actually that I live with the fiancé. They were impressed that someone in their mid 20s owns their own house and it getting married.

Then the topic about cigars came up and they were impressed I was into cigars too lol. They asked me some questions about it and I definitely spread some knowledge on them about smoking and cigars in general then I told them about the site. So it's seems all good but ppl still give me a look like I'm doing something wrong but whatever that's fine by me I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing and not worry to much about it.

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