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Someone's been pilfering my stock (deciding what to smoke)

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May 20, 2008
So I'm contemplating a smoke for today and looking over my inventory sheet. I decide that last '09 PL Monte Carlo needs a firey death. Let's see, now where is that. Hmm, can't find it there. Not as excited about smoking the 2014, but that still works. But that 2011 Qd'O coronas claro is more tempting. Let's see what else is supposed to be in this box. 3 - 2011 BBFs, nope only 1; 10 - 2013 BBFs, nope there's 11, oops. Hmm, everything else checks out. I bring the Qd'O upstairs and update the inventory. Hmm, There's still 15 - 2015 Cohiba Siglo IIIs. I think I've given away more of those than I smoked and I'm down to only 3 of the Qd'Os. Back downstairs to swap. Might as well count the Sig IIIs while I'm here. Nope only 12 (Oh yeah, plus the one in my hand). I think someone's been pilfering my stock! I'm pretty sure it was me.


Feel free to share stories of your missing (or found) sticks.
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Nov 22, 2018
West Virginia
I once was cleaning the interior of the Camaro and had a massive brick house tubo come rolling out from under the passenger seat lol. Many times I’ve thought about something to smoke then go looking for it and can’t find it to think back did I smoke that sometimes I remember I did and some times I know I didn’t lol. Then sometimes I find something I forgot I had.
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Jan 30, 2017
My mom once found a bag of dope in the wash. 3 sisters in unison decided it was mine. I had been partying pretty hard the prior couple of days so couldn't even remember having it. For that matter I was shocked that I would even have had a bag that I forgot about so I stood there and took the rap, Since then I've learned to keep pretty good inventory