Tnt Cigarguy
BoM Jan 12
Guys, Sorry I have not answered anyone recently it has been a crazy couple of weeks. I finally made it home saturday of this week only to have to turn around and fly back to San Fran yesterday afternoon. I have had some family issues I have had to deal with and now the misses father is in the hospital with Conjunctive heart failure and is not doing well at all. If I had not answered your pm I am sorry but I have just not had time. If you sent sticks yes they are safe and in a humidor. If i owe you feedback I am sorry I have not left it yet. If I am sending sticks to you sorry they have not gone out they were all going to go today and then everything happened yesterday as I had not been home in 3 weeks to being with. I promise as soon as I can get back home I will send the sticks out to you. I will also leave feedback and trs once I have some more time here at the hospital. Jeremy I will not be in SLC this week now I will let you know when I am coming back up. Mac ordered but not showed up yet. Nell sorry man I swear im not hiding. Andor I will get you sticks out asap. You sent a great 5ver. I owe for golf still and will send as soon as I can. If there is anything else I am missing please let me know I just am having to take care of family first and sorry to all I have neglected I promise it will be made right.