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Stupid facebook posts

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
You probably all seen these if you use FB. The "Nobody ever writes on my wall" posts meant to sucker you into posting a response.
With the passing of rev.b and a some other friends this summer I'm thinking of posting this:

Nobody ever writes on my wall. So to find out how the real friends are if I died today would you go to my funeral? If you would please post "Yes". If you do post yes? Why haven't I heard from you this year? Lunch? A movie?

You wouldn't have to dress up and buy flowers.

Think it will go over well?
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Jun 8, 2016
South Texas
I don't go to funerals for the dead person, crap they are dead and won't know anyhow. I go to funerals for friends and family left behind. My dad was in his late 80s when he passed and had outlived his college and Army friends. He had out lived most of his coworkers and church friends. At his funeral there were cousins and friends of his kids showing support for us, and respect for the kind of man he was.

Two goals in life
1) Be the oldest one at my funeral
2) Die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming like the passengers on the back of his bus.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I honestly hardly ever go to funerals and I hate traditional ones they are depressing. Put me at the pub and throw a party please.
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Jul 6, 2016
Bethlehem, PA
I think you're relying a bit too heavily on facebook content to determine who your real friends are.
If someone is really your friend, you won't doubt it just because they don't post on your wall.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I have a Facebook account but rarely use it....esp. when I hate telling others what I just had for lunch or some other inane news that is mindless. There are unscrupulous people that peruse FB just like they do Craigslist just so they can scam people. How you ask? When FB peeps go on trips they actually are telling everybody to come and rob their home while they are in Vegas or Europe or some other place.

As far as funerals go... they are just for those who survive the person who died. Will I have a lot of people at mine? I don't give a $hit because I'll be dead so if there were a 1000 or just my wife and 2 dogs I'm ok with that cuz I'm gonna be burned up like a crispy piece of bacon. Funerals to me are barbaric and everything that goes with it because one has to deal with the mortuary people...talk about your slick used car sales types. They are vultures who use your grief to buy the luxury coffin/urn for the "dear departed"...and if you don't spend a lot of money on the latest model you appear cheap and really didn't care for the person who died....that's so much BS! I've dealt with too many of these shysters over the years with family that has passed on and every single one of those "hand wringers" were constantly trying to upgrade the funeral process with that metal coffin that is guaranteed for 50 years not to leak or let the elements inside...basically leaving the departed looking like they did when they first were put in. Then there's the flowers...the wake...how many cars in the procession...memorial cards....service at the Funeral Home and at the gravesite...WTF!!!!

I know that my feelings are pretty exaggerated when it comes to funerals/dying and such....I've learned that when those who are still alive and we care about....that's when you really show others how you feel about them...not when they are gone and you missed the last opportunity to tell them.
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Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
My first realization that the online social world wasn't the same was years back almost 4 to be exact. It actually had to do with a funeral and Facebook as well.

A very good friend of mine that I met on CATS which is a cigar Facebook group passed away from cancer. He was an extremely well know and active poster in the group and had hundreds of friends as well as dozens in the area from the group.

I realized when I was the only one to show up to the funeral and make the trek by myself that the world of Facebook was fucky. I took a leave of the group for awhile after that, it was just very upsetting.

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I really should post it. Considering how seriously yhe sarcastic post was taken here gb would be golden haha.

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