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Taboo Special Forces Boot Camp Maduro


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Bought a sampler of Taboo sticks and pulled this bg sucker out to try today on my drive up to Thousand Oaks
Descrip: RARE Medium bodied Costa Rican wrapper with Nic Filler. Very FULL FLAVOR.

Smooth wrapper, nice heft to the stick with a big ring gauge. I carefully clipped it and he draw was firm but workable. I carefully toasted the end making sure to get a full burn. Limited smoke. Fired again. Limited smoke. Finally I got it going. The flavor was excellent. I am not much on picking out nuts and berries but I liked this smoke. The burn immediarely went bad and began to become lopsided. I touched it up. Still a problem. Wet the fast burning side and fired the non-burning side again. Still a problem. I worked it and worked and worked it emptying on lighter and on to a second. The darn thing would not burn. It was like half the cigar refused to light and burn. I finally stopped the car, clipped off the huge non-burn section and re-lit again to get a complete light. I tell you I really liked the flavor and wanted this to work. After 30 minutes of battle I gave up and stuffed it in the Ultimate Cigar Ashtray. I guess they call this a Boot Camp business they make you work so hard to get anything ot of it.

I have another so I am hoping this is just a badly made stick. Can't beat the price except I really didnt enjoy the cigar due to the problems.


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Nov 10, 2008
nice review. Shame about the smoke. I haven't had the pleasure of trying one but had heard good things about them.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Sounds like it was wet to me, maybe? I've only smoked one, and it was actually just 2 days OTT. Smoked fine, and had a really great flavor. These are a great bargin.
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BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
i've smoked bundles and bundles of the regular special forces. these babies require a blowtorch to get lit and stay lit. they also are not a put it down and pick it for an occasional draw stick. the flavor is indeed very good. this is the stick i smoke while riding my motorcycle as it won't burn quickly out in the wind!