I would say a fullsize fridge for free/cheap on craigslist or local classifieds. Then you can buy a nice faucet, whatever tap you want, good hosing, and it can keep more than just a keg of beer around. I love having a top freezer to put frozen fruit, hops, and other things. I can fit a bunch of beer in the main fridge area with a 1/6bbl or two in there as well. I tend to keep one on tap and one as backup for when the on tap beer kicks.
My setup is a Rototap V faucet with adjustable restriction, a low profile tap, good quality beverage hoses, and a stainless steel shank. I keep my CO2 bottle outside the fridge so I can change it out easy, as well as more refrigerated storage.
One of the disadvantages of a keezer is having to lift a 1/6 keg or bigger up and into the freezer. I can move 1/2bbl kegs around but at 160-180lbs I don't like to and would rather not have to lift them more than the height of a step.