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Tatuaje Cojunu 2009 "FF's"! *lol*


the Cigar "Gangsta" ;0(
Rating - 96.4%
149   4   2
Aug 31, 2009
Atlanta, Ga
I smoked my first tatuaje last weekend. It was a J21 Reserva...
U talk about a great stick. That baby definitely is one. Danilo, i want to kindly
thank you again.

My little brother is outside smoking a cojunu 2009 FF that i got in a 5ver from another brother.

He came in the door to show me the burn line (WHICH AS RAZOR SHARP I might add) and the aroma was AMAZING! The ash was white and very firm. He's still smoking and taking pics with the camera, so i'll make sure he logs on and adds to this thread.

Im kinda proud of my little brother. He's 21, in college, a professional photographer (recently had his first magazine cover published), has an amazing palate (his dream of becoming a chef was cut short due to a sever food allergy, but his sense of taste and smell is UNRIVALED)... He goes by the maduro kid on here...

Once you read his review you'll see what i mean....

Have to run to a meeting, that's all for now...

Smoke on Brothers, Smoke on... :chat: