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Tatuaje SW Reserva Maduro help!

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May 26, 2009
Could use a little help here. Today I walked into my local B&M right across the street from the golf course where I work to pick up a couple Liga Privadas, figured I had never had one and today was a good day to try. When I went in I did my usual total walk through. I also was kinda thinking about a Tatuaje Reserva SW so I stopped and looked around the Tat section for a minute. Noticed there were two opened boxes of SWs and upon further inspection realized that one of the boxes was of Reserva SW Maduros!! Now where I need help is...weren't these released to only one shop in Florida? Was there a second, more broad release? Definitely a distinct difference, the wrapper is just a touch lighter than the LPs i picked up. Any ideas? Just trying to figure out if I need to go buy up the rest of the box! :stretchgr
Rating - 95.8%
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May 26, 2009
Guess I was more confused than anything and wondering WTF was going on, figured I missed the boat on these long ago


BoM December 2011
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May 27, 2009
Naperville IL
Be very sure they are maduro's...Keep in mind...the SW Maduro's do not say "Maduro" anywhere on the box. The only way you know what it is, is because there's a rainbow band across one corner of the box.

My understanding is that all the boxes went to the one store....Then I heard that store sent some to another store.

Nice find if they are the real deal!
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Feb 23, 2009
From what I hear they were initially released in FL and than widely available everywhere.
I don't think widely is accurate. I heard the shop in Florida could not move all of the boxes (hard to believe, right?) and the remainder were sent to another retailer(s) in other states.
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Dec 18, 2009
Las Vegas, NV
All I know is the shop in FL had them, the shop now in AZ has them, mine I just got came from NC and they have had them since before thanksgiving and my local B&M got some in also around Thanksgiving. Widely available may not be the correct term, but they are or were available at multiple locations around the country, whether they all came from that FL shop or not I don't know.
Rating - 95.8%
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May 26, 2009
Be very sure they are maduro's...Keep in mind...the SW Maduro's do not say "Maduro" anywhere on the box. The only way you know what it is, is because there's a rainbow band across one corner of the box.

My understanding is that all the boxes went to the one store....Then I heard that store sent some to another store.

Nice find if they are the real deal!
Real deal no doubt! The only thing that said maduro on the box was the sticker the B&M added to the box to signify the difference


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
This release was kinda like the Noella Reserva -- the initial release was restricted to one place, then some more boxes showed up at various other shops (remember being dumbfounded when I saw a box of NRs at a shop one time). For the last few months we've been hearing reports such as yours of someone finding some.

My advice: BUY THE BOX! You will very easily find people on here to sell them to if you don't want them all for yourself! Seriously, grab those suckers!
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Feb 23, 2009
All I know is the shop in FL had them, the shop now in AZ has them, mine I just got came from NC and they have had them since before thanksgiving and my local B&M got some in also around Thanksgiving. Widely available may not be the correct term, but they are or were available at multiple locations around the country, whether they all came from that FL shop or not I don't know.
Interesting. That is definitely more widely available than I thought.