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The Best Part of College

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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
I am not going to lie to you about the best part of college. It is the education of course and writing research papers. It is sitting in class for 3 hrs at a time with 4 classes. No, not really it is the young students before they are influenced by the world. I am in a liberal program (social work) and my fellow students need to be in the world for awhile before they try to make an educated statement, to like rascism. It is sad however, it is still strong in America.

Sent from the mind of a mad man and his little device.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I particularly enjoyed the young minds that live in their own little world. I was a 25 year old military veteran with a conservative/libertarian viewpoint. That was particularly fun in some gen. eds. I was the only one that discuss my point of view with the prof, though unexpected, I think he welcomed the opposition.

Ultimately, yeah they all needed to live a bit more before opening their stupid mouths. One kid said "gee it'd be nice if someone would pay my tuition" speaking to my use of the GI Bill. I calmly responded "well you go spend time in a war zone and put your ass on the line and they will pay your tuition as well". The look on his face was priceless.

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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
That is so true I am using Voc Rehab for my education because I did not use the GI Bill in time. I am told that I am luck that I have that to use. Maybe I am however, I am also a disable veteran to use that benifit. The youth of America has a lot to learn.

Sent from the mind of a mad man and his little device.
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May 18, 2013
New Orleans, Afghanistan - Georgia
The best part of college is the continuation of innocence and ignorance. I mean, let's be honest...unless you go into college later on in life, it is just a continuation of high school with more freedom. I love how kids go right out of hs and get a degree and assume the world owes them something....nope, you're probably going to be working a bs job just like the rest without degrees because employers want experience, not a piece of paper.