Is it Nicaraguan
Sure to be a hit for all those fans who celebrated the "I'm taking my talents to South Beach" shindig.
While my heart is somewhat moved for the young coach who is obviously in over his head, seeing this dysfunctional group struggle warms my heart.
LeLoser, not man enough to win on his own colludes with an overpaid, over hyped Bosh and to join DWade's team and you have what you have.
They'll break this bad chemistry experiment up after they flame out in next year's playoffs.
I'm lovin it!
While my heart is somewhat moved for the young coach who is obviously in over his head, seeing this dysfunctional group struggle warms my heart.
LeLoser, not man enough to win on his own colludes with an overpaid, over hyped Bosh and to join DWade's team and you have what you have.
They'll break this bad chemistry experiment up after they flame out in next year's playoffs.
I'm lovin it!
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