the only way our gov't can circumvent the 2nd amendment without totally ruining their reputation and without starting nationewide riots is to take part in a global gun control treaty.
It's a backdoor to override the 2nd amendment.
A global treaty trumps our constitution. so the gov't could sign a treaty with the EU or whoever and WAMMO! our guns our now illegal by order of global law.
And i wouldn't put it past them (the Obama adminsitration) to pull this stunt.
The terrible thing is that there is no going back from a global treat...its lasting and its FOREVER!!!
And guess what?!?! We as citizens will have no say so whatsoever in the decision.
Again, our gov't is a complete SHAM!!!! I'll say it here and now, america is no longer the america that our parents grew up in. In fact, it's no longer the america I grew up in. and within 5 years, it will be drastically, dramatically different.
That is of course, asusming WE THE PEOPLE don't stand up and take a stand.
Remember that $7 BILLION we the tax payers gave Chrysler so they wouldn't go bankrupt??? Guess what, they wnet bankrupt, and in their Chapter 11 filing, they made a clause that says they do not have to pay back the $7 BILLION to the US Gov't. Oh, and during their resturcturing, our gov't has pledged to support them with up to $3.2 BILLION, which they do not have to pay back. and once they have successfully restructured, the go'vt will make another $4 BILLION saftey net, if-needed fund, which, you guessed it, they will not have to pay back.
That's potentially $14.2 BILLION!!!!!
ok, rant over.