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This ones for Bob "hdroadglide"


BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
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LAKELAND, Fla. — Lakeland police are looking for a man who allegedly beat a McDonald's manager with a bat for accidentally being skipped in line.

The attack happened Monday. Employees said the man confronted the manager about being skipped, and then left the McDonald's.
They said 20 minutes later he came back, jumped the counter, and hit the manager twice in the ribs with a bat.

Employees said he then walked away calmly, using his shirt to open the door so as not to leave fingerprints.
When another employee called 911, the operator thought it was in reference to a robbery.

911 operator: "Was he trying to get money?"

Caller: "No. He was mad because we didn't know he was waiting in line to be taken care of."

The manager was taken to the hospital, but should make a full recovery.