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Today's Smoke (2004-2022 Archive)

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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
1) I only send you shit in general ;)2) i agree with this, i keep my cc humidor at 62% rh, never have a problem

Edit: false, i do have some tight cigars from time to time, but usually it's just the head, which is easy to unplug, or the foot, which i burn through the problem spot.

The flavor is worth the occasional struggle

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You prankster, you.


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
How does one test draw? Would you cut it, test it, then let it rest in a dry box if needed? Or test one from a box and then just assume the rest would/wouldn't need dry boxing going forward? I have a very happy and stable 65% going in the wino. I see a lot of advice stating 62% being ideal for CCs. But since I've got about 8 CCs and 200 NCs in the wino, and I have no issues with NCs, I don't see any reason to switch that up
I haven't kept an actual written record, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say I'd say I'd the 25-30 CCs I've smoked I've had 15 with draw issues, whereas in the last year smoking approximately 500 NCs I've had maybe the same amount (+/- 5) of issues, and only one that was so bad it split open when using the draw poker.
Yup, you can cut and test, then dry box. Actually, without the cap on it'll dry quicker too

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Jan 14, 2017
Grand Prairie, Texas
Today’s start. My first Anaconda. Let’s see how these are compared to the other parts of the trilogy.

Pretty good. It is a good mix of the AB and FEC. I think this needed more rest as the FEC did. Very earthy and more chocolate than the FEC. I like this Bahiano wrapper. Very different.

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