David C. Serna
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
These are a discontinued vitola that was rereleased as an Edicion Limitada (with the spandard extra 2 years aging of alll the tobaccos in the cigar) in 2010. (There should be some left around for sale; I sure want more!)
Anyway, I just fired on up as I was in the mood for a shorty and wanted to see how these were doing. Well, I have found mine to have intensified markedly. Much more non-pepper spice and honey and other in and out flavors I couldn't describe in words, but delicious!
Anyone else have a CC atain such marked improvement (and intensification) in such a short time period? Am interested in your experiences.
I also invite all my fellow BOTL's to join a BOTL Group I've recently started here called, "Lovers of Aged Cigars". Discussion is not limited to CC's, membership is open, and all are free to start discussions or contributed to open threads. Love to have you. David C. (Xango) Serna.
Anyway, I just fired on up as I was in the mood for a shorty and wanted to see how these were doing. Well, I have found mine to have intensified markedly. Much more non-pepper spice and honey and other in and out flavors I couldn't describe in words, but delicious!
Anyone else have a CC atain such marked improvement (and intensification) in such a short time period? Am interested in your experiences.
I also invite all my fellow BOTL's to join a BOTL Group I've recently started here called, "Lovers of Aged Cigars". Discussion is not limited to CC's, membership is open, and all are free to start discussions or contributed to open threads. Love to have you. David C. (Xango) Serna.