This post reminds me of a listener call-in that a local radio show does called "Gay Court" (their title not mine) where listeners call in and offer up one of there male friends to the "Court" for doing something along the lines of the above photo.I am not one to judge people. You guys can make your own conclusions.
Why is one of our beloved brothers (Volusianator) sitting in the middle.
Here's one for the court. I'm sitting at a table at our lodge smoking a Hemingway and drinking a pint of Guinness waiting for my turn at the dart board. I'm not exactly in much of a hurry because I'm really enjoying my Fuente and once I get the board I'll keep it all night.
A bud of mine pulls up a chair and starts to tell me about the great deal he got at CB on a bundle of Nestor Mirandas, and yes he's got one hanging from his beak. He goes on and on about what a great smoke it is and I sit there just nodding my head like a good friend would do. I mean what am I supposed to do tell him to shut the F' up and let me enjoy my smoke?
Well here's the kicker. He starts to ogle my cigar like a little boy at the public pool and asks me if he can try it. I tell him I didn't bring another but I'd be more than happy to hook him up the next time. He says "No, I mean can i just taste yours to check it out, you can take a hit on this one."
I don't know what to do, I'm thinking I should stab him in the forehead with a dart but the words "Brothers of the Leaf share the Leaf, that's what we do." keep popping into my head. So we swap and when I got my stick back it just wasn't the same, somehow I felt like it had cheated on me and I on it.
So I offer up 2 defendants, my buddy and myself:
Should he turn in his card for initiating the uncomfortable moment and myself for being weak and obliging him? Or is this acceptable behavior for dedicated aficionados, I mean at least there was no belly grabbing or man sandwiches!