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Mar 18, 2018
Apologies if there is a better place for this. I'm new here. I looked for a relevant thread but came up blank.

My wife and I are planning to cruise from Miami to Key West then on to Havana for an overnight stay to celebrate our 30th anniversary later this year, probably in September.

Has anyone else done this? And advice about which LCDH to visit and things to do, not do and avoid would be greatly appreciated.


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BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
If you are doing just a day stop in Havana off the cruise ship, your best options for cigars are the LCDH shops at the Hotel Conde de Villanueva which is just blocks from the ferry terminal, and also the Partagas Factory shop just behind the Capitol building. Partagas is also an easy walk but farther... but you should definitely include the Capitol area in your day outing anyway. Just do a google search for these places. Conde de Villanueva has a really good cigar roller in the shop, Reynaldo... ask him for his house/custom rolls. LCDH custom rolls are some of the best value, and best cigars you can get in Havana.

Also, only buy from the LCDH shops in Havana. You will get people asking you to buy cigars on the streets, or be tempted to buy in some random store. Don't.