Yeah, i understand that. i hate that too, when owners go on and try to redirect every conversation to, "well, my store..." I'm just one of the guys original customers from the first week he opened til now. He never advertises in any way, which is why i'm starting this thread. Not to advertise, but simply because i dont think many of the smokers around me have any idea he's here, and he does have a nice shop. The only other place i used to go was the casinos, and there i would pay twice the price for stuff i didnt really want anyway, and i'm sure a lot of people around me are still doing the same, since there really isn't anything here. He just opened up a medium sized lounge that is kinda lonely with just me and my smoking buddy, so i though i'd take a shot at getting the word out, maybe make some new friends and smoking companions in the area. I'm not soliciting, no intention of helping in that way, just looking to see if there is anybody in my area that shares my love of cigars, and since theres nowhere else to smoke em 'cept outside, this would be the place to meet up.