It's cold, and grey, leaves are falling off of trees.
It's sprinkling a bit. I love this weather!
Of course, there is a bit of a downside. I spent yesterday afternoon digging a big ass hole in the ground in order to try and find my girl friends sewer line. The tree outside the house has been sending roots into the line requiring a call to the plumbing company. Yes I could do it myself, but then I would have to go rent a power snake and that costs $55.00 bucks. If I call $55 Dollar Sewer and Drain, well, it costs $55 bucks and I don't have to puke......
Anyway, this light rain has been going on all night, and now I have a 4 inch deep puddle in the bottom of my hole, and all the ground is soaking wet.
Hope the weather clears up before I have to call the plumber again.