So almost all my cigars taste a little sweet especially around my gumline and the back of my mouth around my molars. Ive only noticed it in the last couple weeks. I have began smoking my pipes almost daily before or after a cigar and I tend to smoke stronger virginia or English blends. That may have an influence. I am typically only drinking water because I do a majority of my smoking while driving at the moment.
Anyone else have this happen? Please don't tell me I have brain cancer and its screwing with my taste buds. Everything else tastes pretty normal except cigars have this never before experienced sweetness. It could be that many of the smokes I'm burning right now I set down about 5 years ago for future Adam. Its not just those smokes that.I taste this sweetness with. I just burned a Sindacato Hex Figurado and got the same thing. Anyone have this happen?
Anyone else have this happen? Please don't tell me I have brain cancer and its screwing with my taste buds. Everything else tastes pretty normal except cigars have this never before experienced sweetness. It could be that many of the smokes I'm burning right now I set down about 5 years ago for future Adam. Its not just those smokes that.I taste this sweetness with. I just burned a Sindacato Hex Figurado and got the same thing. Anyone have this happen?