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Weird palate thing....

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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
So almost all my cigars taste a little sweet especially around my gumline and the back of my mouth around my molars. Ive only noticed it in the last couple weeks. I have began smoking my pipes almost daily before or after a cigar and I tend to smoke stronger virginia or English blends. That may have an influence. I am typically only drinking water because I do a majority of my smoking while driving at the moment.

Anyone else have this happen? Please don't tell me I have brain cancer and its screwing with my taste buds. Everything else tastes pretty normal except cigars have this never before experienced sweetness. It could be that many of the smokes I'm burning right now I set down about 5 years ago for future Adam. Its not just those smokes that.I taste this sweetness with. I just burned a Sindacato Hex Figurado and got the same thing. Anyone have this happen?
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Well either it can also be carb starvation (doubtful I killed some pb sandwiches today) or I am diabetic (also doubtful according to my most recent lab results). I am lost, maybe I have some ketone thing going on and might check it out. A weird thing though.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
I had the same thing happen a couple weeks ago. Maybe it's palate shock? Are they all made from the same tobaccos? Ex; Honduras, Nicaragua? I was thinking the same thing to myself "why the hell am I tasting the same sweetness on every cigar.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I think the boys are on to things here...I'm diabetic type 2 and I see days where when my sugars are high my tastes tend to change and I've been smoking a pipe as well so again, my tastes tend to go up and down more than they ever have. The kinds of things we put into our mouths...aromatic tobaccos, meds, spicy foods ...it's no wonder we hit the tobacco wall at times. Water being what it is...a natural cleanser ...we forget to drink as much as our body needs and it's more than just a few cups a day. Most of us think that we're drinking other things ( with water in it..sorry..doesnt work that way...like beer, wine, sodas etc. ) will compensate for the water we aren't drinking. Try hydrating more and see if that doesn't help...I've changed a little bit and hydrating with sparkling waters are helping me hydrate and my tastes are changing back where I can pick up stuff that I had previously not been tasting...call it a reverse colonic.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Well I smoked a bowl of Frog Morton on the Bayou on my way home from work. I'm having an IPA and the sweet flavor I've been experiencing all day is mostly gone. I did have a bunch of cheek skin shed this week so maybe it's something with the skin in my mouth. Last time I smoked the volumes I've been smoking recently was when I worked part time at the B&M in college. So maybe my mouth is just readjusting from not smoking to smoking a lot in comparison. I'll just keep working through it. I have no other symptoms to suggest a blood glucose issue just a sweet taste in my mouth especially the last 4 days it's been very noticeable. Normally La Riquezzas are a bit peppery to me and today it was like smoking milk chocolate almost. Very weird. The bowl on my way home tasted sweet but most McClelland blends have a sweet tang to me and no tongue bite. Oh well I'll just pay attention more to what I'm smoking to see if there's a pattern I can identify.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Well I smoked a bowl of Frog Morton on the Bayou on my way home from work. I'm having an IPA and the sweet flavor I've been experiencing all day is mostly gone. I did have a bunch of cheek skin shed this week so maybe it's something with the skin in my mouth. Last time I smoked the volumes I've been smoking recently was when I worked part time at the B&M in college. So maybe my mouth is just readjusting from not smoking to smoking a lot in comparison. I'll just keep working through it. I have no other symptoms to suggest a blood glucose issue just a sweet taste in my mouth especially the last 4 days it's been very noticeable. Normally La Riquezzas are a bit peppery to me and today it was like smoking milk chocolate almost. Very weird. The bowl on my way home tasted sweet but most McClelland blends have a sweet tang to me and no tongue bite. Oh well I'll just pay attention more to what I'm smoking to see if there's a pattern I can identify.
Try not to overthink it....50 years of smoking has taught me that you'll go through these periods for one reason or another....and your taste returns. Some things to think about....I keep a couple of brands of cigars where I know the profile like the back of my hand and smoke those when I think my taste is gone off the reservation....if I can't taste those then I stop smoking altogether. Sometimes we lose our tastes for obvious reasons..sickness, dying taste buds, colds, etc. I do know that sharing smoking experiences where we smoke cigars and pipes and "whatever" will change our tastes...even foods.

Now I won't do a pipe and cigar in the same day...I will rotate my smoking so I don't get a tongue burn from a pipe. I've also noticed that with certain libations that they will enhance your tastes and protect the taste buds on your tongue.....like Amarula. It coats the lining of your mouth while you can hold the smoke in a bit longer than usual...but it won't burn anything...kind of like the pepto bismal commercial. Certain other libations...Drambuie helps me with my cigars and enhances the cigar a lot which is why I buy Drambuie by the gallon...or maybe I'm just so pickled my taste buds are laughing at me...either way, I don't care. lol
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I think its something with the coolidor these smokes in question have spent the last 5 years. A year ago I had beer fermenting next to the coolidor in the closet. The fermentation went bonkers and made a mess and leaked into the cooler but did not touch any of the smokes. I think the beer that got in there affected the cigars but not in an entirely negative way, just not necessarily desired.

Either way I am not worried anymore because it went away over the weekend when I smoked stuff not from that humi. Today I got it back on an aged Camacho limited 07/05 I think the size is....