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Western Mass, Boston and Southern/South Eastern NH Brothers...a plea for help

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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I will be driving up that a ways Friday night. I am looking for a place to stay. Please if anyone would be willing to put me up for the night, I will explain why I need a place to stay in a PM. I will say its a rescue mission of a very confused conflicted woman whom I happen to still be married to. Anyone willing to put me up will get beer and cigars! Awesome beer, and awesome cigars. I'd rather stay with a botl than just get a hotel if I could help it!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
If I don't get a super kind brother or a potential EOD brother to hook me up I'll be fine sleeping in the jeep. I have a dual layer super cold weather sleeping bag from when I was in the air force. Thanks for looking guys. I know it's tough to possibly allow someone in your home that you only know through a cigar website. So I get it if I don't have any takers.