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What a week

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
So the wife and I went to the big Scottish Highland games last week were I was able to wear the Kilt for the first time in public. Had a great day, watched events, marched in the Parade of Clans and the day ended for us with a seminar on whiskey, where we also got to taste and learn about the different types etc.

But when I got home, the meat pie got me. In a matter of minutes i got sick as a dog. This was Sunday night. i wentt to bed at 8:30 and slept until 11 am the next day, (lost a day of pay) and i didn't feel like eating until Wednesday. I did force myself to have things like soup and yogurt up until then but dang it was rough. Even thinking about smoking made me nauseous.

Finally back to 100 percent and had a couple of bowls this afternoon. I'd have another now but it's too chilly outside.

being sick sucks. Glad t doesn't happen often.