I see what you did there. Nice.Maybe too dry leafs?
Or Beatles. They rock.
Room temperature in a humidor with the oasis humidifier. Upstairs bedroom so its on the high end of room temp, maybe 73, 74 degrees in the daytime. The basement is several degrees cooler, maybe I should find a spot down there to keep the humidor.Could be beetles.
What's the temp you're storing at?
And what type of cigar?
I've had sparkles once or twice on dried cigars. I doubt beetles does sparkles when they burn.Ok, no holes, no little pieces of anything in the tray, and several stogies in that corner are dry and brittle...is that enough to cause the little fireworks I saw this morning? I've moved them to anot her spot that should get more moisture from the humidifier and added some Boveda packs to that area of the humidor...